Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Federal Government’s Responses to African-American Freedom & Equality

Towards mid-20th century, American society had been stricken with social problems that stemmed from its history of tolerating and legalizing African slavery during its transition as a nation that has new found independence and freedom as a state. Freed from British colonization, Americans found themselves assuming the role of their previous colonizers; only this time, they became usurpers of the rights of African slaves, who were transported from Africa to America. As the promise of social, economic, and political power became more possible, America in the 20th century sought to create a fair, just, and egalitarian society. One of the immediate steps taken by Americans in order to ensure this was the incorporation of Africans and African-Americans into American society. Achieving this, however, was a task not easily accomplished. Apart from people's fear of breaking the status quo and entering a new social order, the American society also had the perceived threat that if African-Americans would be recognized in the country as equal citizens as Americans, then the privileges and opportunities they have enjoyed would be re-channeled and re-distributed to a larger population. Hence, the threat of decreased opportunities and privileges kept some Americans from accepting African-Americans as equal to them in enjoying the rights, freedom, and liberty as mandated by the American Constitution. The American government, however, sought ways in which African-Americans or black Americans could gain equal rights as Americans. The road towards achieving civil rights was not an easy task for both the black American society and the government. With the combined influence and constitutional power of the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of the government, black Americans gradually achieved their goal of becoming recognized as citizens of the United States of America. In 1961, the Executive branch of the government, under the leadership of then-president John F. Kennedy, the Affirmative Action program was unveiled and implemented in the education and labor sectors of the American society. Under Kennedy's leadership, Affirmative Action was implemented as a result of tedious studies by the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. Initially, this program was aimed to provide equal opportunities for black Americans to apply for and enter into jobs or work without being discriminated-that is, they undergo the process of application and acceptance based on their credentials, skills, and knowledge as potential employees/workers for the employer/company. As an improvement to Kennedy's initial program, President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 included in the Affirmative Action program the education sector, giving opportunities for black American youth to enjoy the same privileges that Americans have received from the government. Thus, with the inclusion of the education sector in the Affirmative Action program, black American students received scholarships and financial funding from the government and specific entities in the education sector. The program has benefited black American youth through the years. The Judiciary also played an important role in promoting the civil rights movement among African-Americans. Early on in the 1950s, America bore witness to a landmark case, Brown v. Board of Education, wherein Linda Brown, a black-American third grade student, was refused to be admitted in an all-white American school. The complaint was forwarded by Linda's father because she had to walk one mile in going to her school, when in fact, she only lived seven blocks away from the all-white American school. The school's refusal to admit Linda Brown signified the persistence of discrimination against black Americans. The case paved the way for educational institutions in America to re-examine themselves, and accept the reality that discrimination promotes social stagnation more than progress and development of America's youth, whether they are black or white Americans. The legislative branch has been one of the active branches of the government, and has a significant relationship with African-Americans' fight for their civil rights in the country. While the legislative branch had played the role of adversary, especially during the period wherein the civil rights movement was still in its infancy (implementation of Jim Crow laws and Fugitive Slave Law), the legislative branch nevertheless served as the medium through which black Americans were able to express and argue for their rights. One such example of laws that promoted black American civil rights was the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which promised equal rights and privileges among black Americans. It became the first step for the American society to fully accept the reality that they are equal in status and power as the black Americans. Thus, the Civil Rights Act made American society of this period to become more receptive, understanding, and open to the idea that indeed, American society is fast becoming a diverse and multi-cultural society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personal Revision Strategy Essay

My personal strategy for revising a piece of writing involves reading through the entire paper to ensure that it conveys the intended meaning. It is important to wait a while after writing the first draft before taking another thorough look at it. Specific emphasis should be placed on the thesis of the paper to ensure that the argument of the paper is strictly adhered to. After this, I examine the manner in which the paragraphs flow into one another and I arrange them in the appropriate order. For example, a typical essay is arranged by putting the introduction at the beginning, followed by body, before the final part of the paper known as the conclusion. Every paragraph in the paper should also have a link to the thesis of the paper. It is necessary to ensure that the opening argument of the paper is explained in the first line of each paragraph to ensure that there’s sufficient clarity and consistency throughout the document. After checking for proper paragraph transition, the next thing I do is check for typographical errors. This ensures that punctuation marks like commas and semi-colons are used appropriately. Tools such as the Grammar Check, Spell Check and the Dictionary also come in handy during the revision process (Zinsser, 2001). When the aforementioned steps have been concluded, I format the whole document to suit the required audience. For example, academic writings are presented in a format that’s entirely different from presentations. The next step involves sending the paper in for peer review. Peer review is very critical to producing a good paper because it gives the writer a chance to receive feedback and constructive criticism on the document before the final submission (Hairston & Friend, 2002). Other areas of importance that need to be examined during the revision process include the balance of the paper, tone and formality of the language used, accuracy of facts outlined, references and the general writing style (Elbow, 1998). References Elbow, P. (1998). Writing With Power . New York: Oxford UP. Hairston, M. R. , & Friend, C. (2002). How do you Revise, Edit, and Proofread? New York:: Longman. Zinsser, W. (2001). On Writing Well. New York: HarperCollins .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cultural Background Summary

Personal Cultural Background A person’s identity is unique and has a foundation of various sources. These sources may be different for every person, ranging from a person’s upbringing to a person’s religion. This paper will define cultural background and examine the multiple sources that make up my own personal cultural background that helped mold my individual identity. Furthermore, the paper will speculate on the extent to which my current identity has been molded by assimilation, acculturation, or climate of pluralism. People are unique because no one identity is the same. Every person has his or her own unique identity, which are created by a person’s cultural background, or personal experiences. Cultural background is a primary source of identity. Self-definition, expression, and sense of group belonging are aspects of a person that derives partly from his or her cultural background. An individual’s cultural background, or personal experiences, influences the individual’s behavior, attitude, values, and way of thinking. Although numerous people can experience same situations, the individuals’ perceptions of the events are what make the experiences different from one another. For example, two students take the same test and they both fail; however, one student decides to start studying harder and the other student drops out of school. Both students had two experiences that were the same (e. g. the test and failing), however, the students had two different outcomes (e. g. studying harder and dropping out of school). Next, the paper will examine the multiple sources of my cultural background. My personal cultural background that makes up my identity consists of multiple sources. These sources have influenced me to live the type of lifestyle I live; to behave the way I behave; and to perceive the world the way I do. Several environments have contributed to my cultural background. These environments consists of my family and upbringing, school, church, past relationships, work, and past life experiences. Each of these environments played an important role in how I view the world and have instilled in me morals, ethics, and values. Although these sources have been influential in my life getting me to the point I am currently at in my life, life experiences have the potential and power to change how I perceive the world and my behavior, ethics, and values. My upbringing and the various environments I have been in have helped me evolve into my own individual person. These sources have allowed me to be able to â€Å"think outside the box† of societal norms. My family and other interpersonal relationships have been the most influential part of my current identity. These relationships have taught me respect, ethics, values, and, communication skills. Additionally, these relationships have taught me to be able to adapt successfully to change; to strive for the best and to be the best person I am capable of being; and to not settle for less than my own standards. A person’s cultural background is created by personal experiences individuals go through. However, the individual’s perception of those experiences is what makes every individual different and unique. My own personal cultural background consists of sources such as my personal upbringing, personal religious beliefs, personal values, and personal ethics. My current identity has been molded by pluralism and multiculturalism, or processes that except experiences that alter existing behaviors and beliefs. As cultures continue to interact and intertwine, cultural identities and personal identities will always be constantly changing.

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom Research Paper

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom - Research Paper Example This essay tells that facing charges in a California courtroom, Greg Chung is alleged to have passed along private and classified information to China for more than three decades without having been detected. His case represents the first in which a person is tried under the Economic Espionage Act which was passed in 1996. The charges he faces are severe and vary from conspiracy to economic espionage to obstruction of justice, lying to federal agents and being a foreign agent himself. Each charge is a hefty criminal matter with strong ethical implications. Did Mr. Chung knowingly deceive and lie for more than three decades while passing along private information to China, an economic adversary and a country which has had strained relations with the United States for more than a half century? Are deceit and mistrust the only ethical dilemmas faced by Mr. Chung? The following will explore the important ethical values raised by this case and the important ethical principles currently be en debated in the trial of Mr. Chung. From a purely ethical standpoint, the case of Dongfan "Greg" Chung raises important questions about a man, an employee and a naturalized American citizen. As an individual facing an onslaught of questions surrounding his character over a thirty year period, Mr. Chung is being questioned about his truthfulness and honesty. These are important individual values which are being brought into question by the charges leveled by a Santa Ana prosecutor. From a purely business standpoint, Greg Chung is accused of breaching the business ethics of trust, particularly as it pertains to sensitive, perhaps even classified Boeing documents â€Å"critical to the US space program†.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hobbes and the State of Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hobbes and the State of Nature - Essay Example The concept of what is the nature of man is also unresolvable. Is man ‘evil’ and needs to be controlled? Or, is man ‘good’ and needs to institution or the elimination of institutions to achieve a sense of balance. In the world of Hobbes, man is ‘evil’ and needs to be controlled by a central authority-The Leviathan. When you view other philosophers, particularly Kant, one could say that man is not evil but needs encouragement to be good and cooperate. These are also the two tenets that are present in international politics. These are generally referred to as ‘Realism’-the Hobbesian Approach or ‘Liberalism’-the Kantian Approach. One can see elements of both in the actual practice of international politics. In this short essay, the ideas put forth in the Leviathan will first be discussed, followed by a brief discussion of the state of international politics with a focus on terrorism. It will conclude with a discussion on t he Kantian Approach, as a viable alternative. Concepts of the Leviathan The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes is based on some common tenets associated with many other political philosophers of this period, particularly John Locke. The basic premise is that there is a natural state of nature where man is without governance. This would be associated with the association of chaos and the common notion of anarchy. In other words, without some kind of authority, man resorts to the most brutal of actions and defends things by brute force with no apparent justice. The following is the basic foundation that Hobbes frames his philosophy: Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of war, where every man is enemy to every man, the same consequent to the time wherein men live without other security than what their own strength and their own invention shall furnish them withal. In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of t he earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. (Hobbes, 78) In the Hobbesian world without a central authority, man is in a constant state of warfare to the extent that everything is supplanted to this purpose. Since there is no authority, according to Hobbes, this is the consequences. It is noteworthy that the nation-state system was just recently in place at this time. The era of feudalism was acknowledged as a time of extreme violence that resulted in nothing, but hardship. The idea of a controlling force to stop the violence is an obvious conclusion. However, this extended by Hobbes and others into the idea of rights and those rights being given to an authority by â€Å"contract† for the good of all. Therefore, we have the idea of man in his natural state. In the Hobbesian world this was not a Garden of Eden, but similar to Bruegel’s vision of Hell. It was a world in which individuals were constantly defending themselves against

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sustainable Destination Development Research Paper

Sustainable Destination Development - Research Paper Example Soccer events as world cup are a prime tourist attraction to the destination country. The economic impacts of tourism during such events as soccer may be negative or positive. Tourism attraction by soccer events presents an avenue of increasing employment opportunities for the population of a country. There are additional opportunities that can absorb the population without employment. Opportunities are available for the technical and professional positions and the informal sector employees. Increased employment among the population is helpful in boosting the population’s living standards. The population, therefore, gets high-income that that further improves the economy of the country. Soccer events need the host country to set up and develop required infrastructures. These include roads and highways, railway lines, stadiums and other essential infrastructures. This increases the country’s level of development in terms of infrastructure. Infrastructural development is vital in supporting economic growth. Infrastructures are also forms of investments and mark an improved investment by the country. There is a remarkable improvement of other utilities in the host country. Such utilities contribute to economic development since they are a principal form of investments and revenue sources. Utilities set include water, sewer lines, restrooms and others as sidewalks. The host country receives revenues from social occasions as soccer events. Costs and charges as fees for utility users are a substantial revenue source. Income from taxation on goods consumed during the events tends to rise with the surge in population. This becomes a dominant source of revenue and a boost to the growth of the country’s economy. The increased number of visitors in the host country calls for a high demand for retail products. There are a number of new retail businesses, set to meet the demand of the high population of tourists and natives in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluating Instructional Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evaluating Instructional Design - Research Paper Example The three basic outlines for how to approach instruction are defined and given meaning in relationship with instruction. Fifteen principles are involved in the discussion of instructional design, and from these fifteen principles it is intended that seven will be further explored through examples of videos in which they have been violated. In learning how to appropriately use a theory it is often beneficial to see how it has been erroneously applied, or not followed. In looking at the principles of instructional design, it is valuable to see how others have failed to follow the ideas put forth and the effect that these missed steps have on the information that is intended. Merrill on Instructional Design M. David Merrill (2008) has been in the instructional design business for about 40 years. His opinion is that the internet has allowed for easy access to the public, but has created a glut of information dumps through which true instruction is ineffective. He assesses the glut of wor k as representative of an inability to create effective instruction at a broad level, with even professional organizations falling short of those principles that have been determined as necessary to create effective instruction. Merrill (2008) outlines three important aspects of designing learning. The first is the need to show people what is being instructed rather than just tell. Giving people an opportunity to practice what has been learned is more than just multiple choice questions. Getting them involved in more complex tasks is required for good learning. The final aspect of educating that is important for learning is motivation. Real learning comes when a student is able to do something that they were not able to accomplish before the education event, with a real world application being the reward so that they can do what they could not do before the instruction. Being able to do something new is the greatest motivational factor available to the instructor, according to Merri ll. He states that through demonstration, activation of practical application, then through the motivation of learning how to do something, the basics have been covered to improve instruction. Broken down to simple, one word explanations, a teacher must engage the student by showing, practicing, and doing. The emphasis on real world application seems to have a strong focus for learning practices, where abstract concepts are far more difficult to achieve than concepts that are applicable in the real world. Clark and Mayer (2011) break this idea down into farther into three additional types of teaching, the first being show and tell which is receptive, show and do which is directive, and teaching by problem solving which is guided discovery. However, these three concepts are based upon the idea that the student is motivated towards learning because they will be able to do something after the conclusion of the learning experience. The last two of these types of teaching are particularl y directed towards creating a system in which the student is given a form of a doable result from the instruction. Overview of 15 Principles of Instructional Design The discussion of education in relationship to instructional design is based upon the use of principles that guide instruction towards affecting the student to engage in learning. The first principle is alignment between activities and outcomes. In order to create effective learning, it is important

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Different types of financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Different types of financial statements - Essay Example A balance sheet helps a company in analyzing its current financial position vis-Ã  -vis any other time period. A balance sheet most important for the management of a firm. The second important financial statement used is the income statement also known as profit and loss statement. The income statement is generally prepared at the end of a time period such as a quarter or a year. It gives information of the total income earned during the period and its sources. It also lists the various expenses. The difference of the two is used to calculate gross margin and net profit. Based on income statement companies take decisions on dividend declaration and future investment plans. The income statement is most significant for the investors of a firm. Cash flow statement is the third important financial statement. It helps a company to analyze the cash flows financial, operating and investment activities. This financial statement is important to understand the availability of working capital for a firm. Cash flow statement is very significant for the creditors of a firm. The fourth financial statement used is the statement of retained earnings. This statement depicts the changes in the title rights of equities if there are any. This is the least used of the four financial statements. It is also called as statement of shareholders’ equity as it calculates the money that will be left with a company after selling its assets and fulfilling its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MGMT 4500 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MGMT 4500 - Essay Example This position in the airline’s context is determined by the number of domestic passengers served by the airline. The airline’s portfolio has been built by both strengths and weaknesses. While scenario is relatively a normal phenomenon to almost every business venture, the measures employed by Southwest Airlines in exploiting its strengths and addressing the underlying weaknesses are critical and unique its performance. The company primarily concentrates in domestic passenger travel services, giving it a local advantage. However, in international terms, its business performance is based on collaboration with international airlines. Prior to local, regional or international success, Southwest Airlines has outstanding strengths that maintain its top position in meeting air travel demands for the domestic market. Customer service is one of the critical areas that the airline roots its strengths in. The airline has in the past undertaken and continues to undertake service evaluation with regard to customer expectations. In this customer service practice, Southwest Airlines seeks to identify loopholes in its line of service. Customers are the primary determining factors of the success of a business venture. The management and the employees of the Southwest Airlines critically accounts for this fact by striving to meet customer satisfaction in air travel services. Customer feedbacks are presently used as a tool for designing, formulating and implementing customer service policies in the company. Employee base and the number of flights offered per day is an essential current strength. By close of business year 2011, Southwest Airlines had an employee base of 37,000, and offered up to 3,300 flights a day (Hill & Gareth, 2012). This has been realized to due to the ever rising customer volume especially in the last two years. The effectiveness, efficiency and commitment to duty by its workforce, Southwest

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Pedestrianism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New Pedestrianism - Research Paper Example The new urbanism approach’s ability to attain these goals of sustainability at the same time is its greatest strength. New Urbanism and its Principles For a long time, urban sprawl that is dependent on cars has been criticized due to its contribution to social isolation, degradation of the environment, and long term financial un-sustainability. Architects, beginning in the early 80s, started to fight this sprawl through new urbanism with significant developments coming up alongside the concept’s principles3. These neighborhoods started to take on a European and pre-war urban model, often resembling typical small towns or earlier inner city neighborhoods. For this reason, these neighborhoods are usually referred to as TNDs, or traditional neighborhood developments. These neighborhoods are built on several fundamental planning principles. The first fundamental planning principle of new urbanism is mixing of uses with institutional, civic, and commercial spaces located in community corridors, as well as centers, which are surrounded by close-by housing that provides service and job access sans use of cars4. This normally takes on the form of a town square or main street. The second fundamental planning principle is diversity. Urban sprawl can lead to separation of the populace by the level of their income. New urbanism seeks to provide for various housing in one area that range from high to low cost5. It is possible to accomplish this through townhouses, detached one-family homes, and mixed apartments in one neighborhood. This also promotes affordable housing inclusion. The third fundamental principle of new urbanism is that it should encourage walking6. This comes with increased benefits to the community and environment, while also creating supportive social networks through daily interactions with fellow local acquaintances and neighbors. The concept encourages those living in these neighborhoods to walk through a mixing of uses, while also making sure that there are plentiful and wide sidewalks with well designed streetscape, minimization of curb cuts, and compact blocks. Mass transit and bicycling connect pedestrians with other areas within the larger urban region and are, thus, important as well. The fourth fundamental planning principle of new urbanism is definition of public space7. Streets are normally considered as space that is vital for public life and are important for the occurrence of daily interactions of the community. To make the area attractive, landscaping, lighting, and materials must be detailed carefully. New urbanism also holds public squares and parks in high esteem. The fifth and final fundamental planning principle of new urbanism is complimentary architecture8. Public space is defined by the private property facades that abut it and new urbanism takes into account the importance of a street wall that is strongly defined by close-up and attractive buildings that offer spaces and services. Houses in tra ditional neighborhood developments are normally close to the streets, while they are built on lines in downtown areas. Because of the importance of public interaction in new urbanism, front porches are a common feature. Majority of traditional neigh

Article analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article analysis - Assignment Example In both scenarios, the business success for both companies and suppliers will depend on the depth and strength of their relationship. This paper starts with an explanation of the common mistakes companies commit in dealing with their suppliers. Several factors that companies should consider before getting a supplier or outsourcing a business process will follow. Different types of supplier relationships are then explored. The paper ends with a discussion of properly managing supplier relationships. 2. Mistakes to avoid in supplier relationships The first mistake that companies commit even before entering into supplier relationships is the lack of organizational/business process analysis. Companies often enter into supplier relationships without first knowing what the company really needs. These â€Å"unevaluated processes† blind a company from the areas where it excels and areas where it needs improvement (Aron and Singh 136). A company, then, might mistakenly outsource core p rocesses which are vital to its functioning, or manufacture in-house those components which can be sourced from suppliers at lower costs with same quality, for instance. Another mistake companies make involves getting into supplier relationships for the wrong reasons. ... Venkatesan talks about the fear of some companies on being â€Å"hollowed out† once they establish a relationship with a supplier (99). These companies fear that sourcing components from suppliers makes their products lose their unique qualities which make them less competitive. While this fear may have a rational basis, companies tend to forget the purpose of getting a supplier in the first place. 3. Factors to consider in sourcing Several factors need to be analyzed first before coming up with a decision of whether or not to source. A thorough analysis of a company’s areas of strength and weakness should be accomplished first. This analysis will help the company determine which processes are vital and, therefore, should be kept in-house, and those processes that don’t necessarily add value to the product and, therefore, are better left at the hands of a service provider or a supplier. Aron and Singh suggest differentiating the â€Å"core, critical, and commodi ty processes† of a business organization (136). Core and critical processes usually involve management and analytical processes while commodity processes are clerical in nature. Venkatesan, meanwhile, differentiates â€Å"strategic and non-strategic components† (100). When it comes to manufacturing companies, the decision to source from suppliers usually come from an understanding of the products strategic and non-strategic components. Strategic components, as decided by management, are those that make the product stand-out from the market. These components have a direct impact on the product’s quality, differentiation, and market position. Non-strategic components, on the other hand, don’t necessarily affect the outcome of the final product. This can be the screws of a DVD player, capacitors

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organic vs Non-Organic Essay Example for Free

Organic vs Non-Organic Essay I. Introduction: Thesis Statement: People should consume organic foods because they have More nutritious, No pesticides are used on them, No hormones or antibiotics are used in their production A. Major Proposition or Premise (before because): People should consume organic foods B. 1st Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): More nutritious. C. 2nd Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): No pesticides are used on them. D. 3rd Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): No hormones or antibiotics are used in their production. II. A. 1st Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): More nutritious B. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Lady Eve Balfour Philosophical Theory: Jeffrey Stephen Wicken Historical Examples: N/A Statistics: ( journeytoforever. org/farm_library/worthington-organic. pdf) Logic: The producers of non-organic food argue that the organic label is a marketing tool. It is not a statement about food safety. Nor is â€Å"organic† a value judgment about nutrition or quality. Organic is how it is produced. Just because something is labeled organic does not mean it is superior, safer, or more healthy than conventional foods. All foods in this country must meet the same high standards of safety regardless of their classification C. Opposition of 1st Minor Proposition/Premise: There is no evidence whatsoever that a diet high in or exclusively of organic foods is any healthier for you than a diet of conventional foods, no clear or consistent difference could be found in the nutritional value D. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Martin Hickman Philosophical Theory: Dan Glickman 2004 Historical Examples: N/A Statistics: (http://www. independent. co. uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/organic-food-no-healthier-than-conventional-1764448. html) Logic: There is plenty of evidence however that a diverse diet, high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish is healthy E. Refutation(Against) of Opposition Premise: A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the nutrient content of organic vs. conventional foods over the last century III. A. 2nd Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): No pesticides are used on them. B. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Sir (Dr. ) John Krebs. Philosophical Theory: Ned Goth Historical Examples: N/A Statistics: http://www. uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/organic-food-no-healthier-than-conventional-1764448. html Logic: While synthetic pesticides are prohibited in organic farming, some ‘natural’ pesticides may still be used, and they are not necessarily less worrisome just because they’re natural. C. Opposition of 2nd Minor Proposition/Premise: Organic farmers claim to use a combination of techniques to avoid having to â€Å"resort† to using pesticides D. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Sir (Dr. ) John Krebs Philosophical Theory: Ned Goth Historical Examples: N/A Statistics: http://ourworld. Logic: Organic pesticides pose exactly the same sort of environmental and health risks as do non-organic pesticides and often pose more risks than synthetics. E. Refutation(Against) of Opposition Premise: The difference between organic and synthetic pesticides is not their toxicity to pests, people or the environment, but rather their origin IV. A. 3rd Minor Proposition or Premise (after because): No hormones or antibiotics are used in their production B. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Sir (Dr. ) John Krebs Philosophical Theory: Ned Goth Historical Examples :N/A. Statistics: (http://www. independent. co. uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/organic-food) Logic: All scientists said it was safe and none of the studies showed the hormone to appear in or alter the milk or meat C. Opposition of 3rd Minor Proposition/Premise: Organic milk and non-organic milk are essentially identical D. Evidence: Expert Testimony: Sir (Dr. ) John Krebs Philosophical Theory: Robert V. Tauxe, M. D Historical Examples: N/A Statistics: ABC News 20/20, How good is organic food? , February 20,2000 Logic: Hormones appear naturally in all milk, eggs and soy products F. Refutation(Against) of Opposition Premise: Conventional milk in the US is 100% free of artificial hormones and 99. 999% free of antibiotics. V. Conclusion: So is organic food better for you? Well if you consider that decreasing your toxin burden and increasing your intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can have a significant impact on health, then it certainly is. Of course, you have to be able to afford the increase in price, but it might be worth cutting out fast foods and spending your money more wisely on home-made meals.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Private Tutoring The School Performance Of Senior Students Education Essay

Private Tutoring The School Performance Of Senior Students Education Essay Private tutoring has long been a major phenomenon in parts of Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. In this study, we attempt to highlight the relationship between private tutoring and students school performance in Hong Kong. It seeks to account the variety of factors of changing students school performance. The study certainly considers the declining of the confidence of education in current education system as one of the key factors. Meanwhile, the study will examine possible theories to attribute to attend private tutoring and school performance. Finally, we will discuss the effect of attending private tutoring that cause the students poor school performance in their school. In the recent decade, the academia has published a boom of studies on private tutoring in different parts in the world. In the same time, the researches of Bray Mark (2005) reveal that private tutoring is growing elsewhere, especially in the Asian Societies. In countries of Japan, Taiwan and Korean, more than one third students regularly receive private tutoring; in Hong Kong the proportion is considerable higher. As Baker and LeTendre (2005: 55) state, the use of private after-school activities has become a world megatrend among families with children apart from the local education system. Simultaneously, as Baker and LeTendre(2005:61) state that one of the most certain functions of private tutoring is the enrichment strategy. It means that the demand of the private tutoring is associated to the competition for future educational opportunities and the existence of high-stake examinations (public examination). For example, there is a close connection between ones educational qualifications and labor market opportunities. However, private tutoring also provides negative effect to the students such as decreased their interest and participation in school classes. Private tutoring is attributed to a lack of interest of the students. They have kept in mind that they can pay for someone who helps them pass in the examinations and they dont need to pay attention in regularly school lessons. Private tutoring create new educational opportunities for many individual but also placed heavy burden on the states education system (Silova et al.,2006b). In HK, according to the Professor Mark Brays research, there are about 70% senior forms students attending private tutoring. The proportions are higher especially just before important examinations. Meanwhile, according to Census and Statistics Department in 2005, from primary to secondary schools, the total annual expenditure of the tuition fee has reached 3 billion HK dollars. Although there are no lack of researches studying the tutoring culture in HK, still most of them are mainly focus on studying what motivates students attending tutoring or the relationship between private tutoring and academic achievement. Whether the out of school tutoring would affect the in-school education, yet it is remains invisible in most researches or debates, let alone policy documents. 2. Objective With a specific focus on the phenomenon, the study examines private tutoring phenomenon in Hong Kong and analyses its consequences for the students school performance in the secondary school. We aim to generate pervious studies and develop another aspect of this topic, to have a more specific research towards this topic. Hence, more specifically, our objectives are: To further understand the contemporary situation of private tutoring To examine the main factors leading to the change of school performance; (such as students expectation of tutors, confidence in current education system to help students to gain qualification) To test possible theories linking the relationship between private tutoring and school performance To examine how attending cram schools can affect the performance on mainstream schooling 3. Significance Explicit significance: The mainstream education system is expected to achieve a wide range of goals. It includes the development of all-rounded students who have sport and musical talent as well as academic interests or personal development. However, the standardize curriculum emphasized by private tutoring contrasts with that in mainstream schools. Examination-oriented tutoring institutes cut off the notion of the mainstream education and infuse the focus of passing examination into students mind. We view this phenomenon as negatively distorting the development of mainstream curriculum. Private tutoring can distort the curriculum in the mainstream system, upsetting the sequence of learning planned by mainstream teachers and exacerbating diversity in classrooms. (Bray, 2007) Indeed, the over emphasize the importance of private tutoring becomes the barrier over the development of all-rounded students. In fact, the phenomenon may be an expression of the students over the current education system. The increasing in public demand of private tutoring reflects the existing fundamental problem of current education system, especially the examination institution. Hence, it is the time now for HKSAR government and educationists to review on the current education curriculum. Implicit significance: This research is mainly based on the Brays observation. In his previous study, he mentioned that students attending private tutoring potentially lead to the poor school performance (Bray, 2007). But in the study, he did not concretely point out the theories or concepts to explain the attribution among attending private tutoring and poor school performance. Hence, our research indicates two relative theories to explain the mutual relationship which is called achievement goal theory and cultural of dependence. The notion of two theories and the attribution among attending private tutoring and poor school performance will be described in detail of the latter part literature review. Therefore, our research broadens the existing context of the theoretical framework in the study of private tutoring. We hope to have implications for understanding the contemporary students expectation towards the tutoring and what is more important is that we hope our research can find something useful for the contemporary educational organizations to enable students to obtain an all-round development and acquire life-long learning skills. Literature Review As forming a deductive research, we are going to apply two theories to test our hypothesis, which are achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992) and culture of dependence (Yasmeen, 1992) . Achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992) Achievement goal theory is the label used in educational psychology to discuss research into motivation to learn. Goals of learning are thought to be a key factor influencing the level of a students intrinsic motivation. According to this theory, it integrates cognitive and affective components of goal-directed behaviors. Since achievement goal theory argues the purposes of achievement behavior, it mainly studies an the integrated pattern of beliefs, attributions, and affects that produces the intentions of behavior and that it is represented by different ways of approaching, engaging in, and responding to achievement-type activities (Ames, 1992: 261). Under achievement goal theory, Ames (1992) suggests performance goal which focuses on students ability and sense of self-worth. The ability is built up by doing better than others, by surpassing normative-based standards such as examination. More importantly, students want to achieve their goal with little effort. Therefore, students believe learning is an only way to achieve a desired goal and attention is directed toward achieving normatively defined success (Ames, 1992). Base on this theory, we can understand that why students taking tutoring is so popular in following literature review. Senior secondary students attend to mass private tutoring The demand of receiving tutoring is high in senior students (form 4 to form 7) (Lee, 1996). It is because they are presumably sitting two open examinations, which are Hong Kong Advance Level Examination and Hong Kong Certification of Examination. The main reasons for Hong Kong students having tuition are that they are not satisfied with their academic performance. Also, some of the students say they that do not understand what their teachers teach in class (Lee, 1996: 8). Furthermore, there were 8% of respondents admitted preparing for the public examinations is a reason to have tuition (Lee, 1996: 8). In short, as mainstream schools cannot help students to improve their results to take in public examinations, senior students take in tutoring. Students gain from tutoring for taking in public examination The majority of students believe that the quality of tuition class is better than schools (Nanayakkara and Ranaweer, 1994). The reason is that students believe tutoring is a short cut to prepare for public examinations. Kwok (2009) mentions that in Hong Kong, tutors usually deliver exam skills and tips, so tutees do not expend full effort in learning individual subject and feel potential loss if they do not receive tutoring. Also, they, usually represent an authoritative teaching image because of their dress code. In other to meet tutees individual need, tutors introduce CDs and lots of supplementary resources to their tutees. Furthermore, in students view, idol tutors are regarded as famous teachers because they can inspire tutees to study efficiently (Kwok, 2009). For example, idol tutors persuade their tutees to select certain areas for revision. Some past public examination questions were covered in idol tutors lecture notes. All these cause students to rely on tutors rather than school teachers (Kwok, 2009). Culture of dependence (Yasmeen,1992) Yasmeen (1992) argues that lots of students tend to rely on tutoring because of its exam tips. However, classroom attention tends to reduce creation discipline problems for school teachers. In short, students regard only receiving supplementary tutoring is more important than learning with tutoring and mainstream school. Base on the culture of dependence, there is related information that is found from literature. Dependency on school teaching for examination Most students believe the result of public examinations is vital. Kwak (2004) points out that since university admission is determined by public examinations, but not students school records, students seek to prepare efficiently to take the examinations. In mainstream education, however, schooling not only focuses on examination achievement but also all-rounded education (Bray, 2007). In contrast, the content of tutorial classes is close to the major public examinations (Bray and Kwok, 2003). Hence, students tend to undermine the publics trust in school instruction (Kwak, 2004: 4). School performance Bray (2007) argues that tutoring will cause negative impacts on school performance. As some students rely on private tutoring too much, they may be less interested in mainstream education. Also, Students believe that private tutoring can inform student how to pass their examinations; they do not need to attend school classes except when they are required to do so by school regulations (Hussein, 1987). In Japan, some students are absent in school before examination. They just study at homes and attend in tutoring classes (Sawada and Kobayashi, 1986). Since topics have been covered in tutoring classes; students do not pay attention in mainstream education and have less confidence in teachers teaching (Nanayakkara and Ranaweer, 1994). There are also other factors affecting students performance in school like social network. Friendship in school is one of the factors to determinate students performance (Yang Tang, 2003). Since friends have same background like school environment (Fehr, 1996), students are more likely to access resources that may be good for coping with academic stresses (Ibarra, 1995). So, friendship network can let students confirm their academic performance (Baldwin, Bedell, Johnson, 1997). More importantly, a student who is central in a friendship network has a grater chance of helping others and being helped: thus, he is likely to perform better in the school (Yang Tang, 2003: 96). Furthermore, advice network in school can help students perform well in school. Advice network means that individuals share information and guidance for the completion of work (Sparrowe, Liden, Kraimer, 2001). When a student finishes his task, he can increase his work by obtaining help from available advice network. It reflects an individual is capable of accumulation knowledge and experience about task-related problem. If a student is central in his advice network, he is likely to perform actively in the school (Yang Tang, 2003). Conceptual Framework After reviewing the literatures, we form the following conceptual framework. Hypothesis These are our hypotheses of the study as follow: If students participation in tutoring is high, then students would have more gain from tutoring. According to achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992), one of the reasons motivate students taking tutoring is that they seek to success in examination with playing little effort. Therefore, we believe that students can receive lots of useful materials and information from tutors like examination tips supplementary exercise when participating in tutorial lesson for a long time. Higher students gain from tutoring, less dependency on school teaching for examination. According to culture of dependence, students will more rely on tuition than school for their study. So, we want to test whether the tuition for students are important and studying in mainstream schools can fulfill students satisfactions of taking examination efficiency. The less dependency on school teaching, the more difficulty concentration on study in school. The less dependency on school teaching, the less interest in school. The less dependency on school teaching, the lower attendance in school. After reviewing the literature, usually there are negative impacts on school performances that are mentioned after students receive tutoring. These hypotheses try to link up the former variables in our conceptual framework and studies whether there is a relationship between the three variables and the poor school performance. Conceptualization In this part, there are some definitions of the key concept that help us to clarify the nature and direction of the study. 1.) Definition of Private Tutoring According to the Mark Brays book which called the shadow education system: private tutoring and its implication for planners, the definition of private tutoring can be divided into four dimension. Firstly, it is the dimension of privateness. Private tutoring primarily concerned with tutoring provided for profit-making purposes by the private enterprises and individuals. It is not concerned with the supplementary help at public expense, such as provide head-start programmes for slow learners and the unpaid work, such as voluntarily help others with homework and tasks. Secondly, it is the dimension of the subjects which private schools provide. Private tutoring mainly focuses on the academic subjects, such as English, Cantonese or Mathematics rather than some extra-curricular subjects, such as musical or artistic skills. On the one hand, teaching academic subjects help students relieve the heavy academic load of formal classroom and solve the pressure of facing public examination. On the other hand, those non-academic subjects are merely for personal interest and indirectly related to the formal education system. Thirdly, the form of the private tutoring deserves special attention. The form of private tutoring may be provided in different ways. Some tutoring is provided one-to-one in the home of either the tutor or their client. Other tutoring is provided by correspondence in the mail or over the internet. But in our research, we mainly concentrate in the area of mass private tutoring, such as the tutoring provided by Modern Education and Kings Glory Education in Hong Kong. The form of mass private tutoring is there no more than 45 tutees in each tutoring class and the tutoring run both regular class (live) and video class. Meanwhile, the tutoring classes mainly focus on public examinations with intensive notes, revision exercises and on-line follow up services (Kwok, 2009). Finally, it is related to the education level of the target students. Private tutoring exists at the post-secondary and even pre-primary levels. In the majority societies including Hong Kong, private tutoring is most evident at the senior secondary level rather than the junior secondary and upper primary levels. Hence, the senior students in the secondary school can be reflected the phenomenon of private tutoring. At the meanwhile, senior secondary students more tend to perceive private tutoring as the gateway to success in public examination. Our research is mainly focused on senior secondary school students which mean form 4 to form 7 students. 2.) Gain from tutoring According to the study of Yiu (1996), he mentioned that the reasons why students attend the private and what their gain in the tutoring class. First of all, since the EMI schools used English to teach the subjects, students may be benefited from hearing the content again in Chinese. Private tutoring used Chinese as the medium of instruction certain increases students understanding of the topic and enhances their interest in learning. Secondly, tutors provide some extra notes and exam skills for the students which school teachers do not provide. Thirdly, tutors could help consolidate the content which school teacher teach in the class. Therefore, students have a deep understanding of school curricular. Finally, the extra teaching materials of the tutors provide extra-curricula knowledge to the students which they can not learn in class room. 3.) School teaching for examination To conceptualize the school teaching for examination, we will defend it is the materials that provide to students for preparation of examination. So, exercise, text book, skills for taking examination, quiz and mock examination which are provided by school will be considered school teaching to help students prepare for examination. It is because these materials can let students conform their knowledge and practice more in order to prepare them efficiency in taking examination. 4.) Definition of School Performance According to the definition of Indicator and Professional Developing Department (2007), the school performance can be divided into four main dimensions as following: attitudes and emotions (Personal) academic results (Academic) participations in groups (Social) performance in co-curricular activities (Social) At the meanwhile, the concrete meaning of poor school performance is the students who have: (i) difficulty concentrating on study (ii) decreased academic achievement levels (iii) decreased interest in school (iv) increased absences (v) not participate in class or co-curricular activities actively (vi) not willing to participate in groups But in our research, we do not measure academic results as an indicator of ones school performance. Its because the measurement of academic results need to take a long period time to collect the examination results from the students. Currently, students will get their results in Jane to July, and hence we do not have adequate time to finish our research before April. Measurement We choose the 4 level of measurement to form operation and assigns numerical values to the variables. Here are some examples in each variable: Students attending Tutoring NominalÆ’Â   classified into 2 or more categories E.g. Attending private tutoring 1) yes 2) no Gain from the tutoring IntervalÆ’Â   rank objects such that the magnitude of the difference between two objects can be determined E.g. Satisfactory towards the exam tips provided from tutorial Totally satisfied, 2. Satisfied, 3. Dissatisfied, 4. Totally dissatisfied) Besides of the 4 level of measurement, some scales are used to measure subjective feelings of respondents. Dependence on School Teaching for Examination We adopt the Semantic Differential Scale, which is constructed by Osgood in 1950s. It is interested in attitude toward an object but not in each respondents evaluation. E.g. Overall the lessons I am taking in school are Interesting __ __ __ __ __ Boring Useful __ __ __ __ __ Useless Easy __ __ __ __ __ Difficult Poor school performance We adopt the Likert scale, which is constructed by Rensis Likert in 1930s. Subjects are asked to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement with a series of statements which are favorable or unfavorable to the construct. E.g. Student Attitudes towards Main Schooling Strongly strongly agree agree disagree disagree Q.1 Tutors is superior than teacher ____ ____ ____ ____ Q.2 absent at school servial times is OK since I can catch up the lesson by attending tutorials ____ ____ ____ ____ Research Design Purpose of Research The research is an explanatory and descriptive research. Explanatory: In the research, we will explain the conceptual framework we construct, as the conceptual framework constructed by our group, we will explain how we construct this conceptual framework. Descriptive: In the research, we will describe the statistical data we will get in the survey by questionnaire, in order to generate a finding of the survey. Nature of Study Deductive Approach: Our research will be conducted in deductive approach. After reviewing the literatures, we find two theories, which are Achievement goal theory and Culture of dependency, to prove that how students attending tutoring classes will affect their school performance. We will base on these two theories to conduct our research about the relationship between those two variables in Hong Kong, which are students attending tutoring classes and students school performance. Quantitative: In our research, we have quantitative research method to test the hypotheses in the research. Since we have concerned the difficulties of analysing qualitative data, we choose quantitative research method to conduct the research. We will use survey to obtain the information about how students school performance be affected after the students (respondents) have attended to tutoring classes. And for the survey, we will make use of questionnaire to conduct the quantitative research. Since we want to have statistical information to explain how students attending tutoring classes will affect their school performance. Sampling Sample size: The research will seek 150 respondents in the research from form 4 to form 7 secondary school students who have attended tutoring classes in Hong Kong. Non-probability Sampling: We will select non-probability sampling in the survey, as we do not have the name list of all form 4 to form 7 secondary school students in Hong Kong, we cannot select the probability sampling in the survey. Also, non-probability sampling is less costly and time-consuming, which are important advantages for us to select non-probability, as we do not have much time and budget to conduct the research. Purposeful Sampling: Our group considers that the school performances of the secondary school students from form 4 to form 7 are more influenced by the tutoring classes. Since they have to prepare for the public examination, such as HKCEE and HKALE, they may rely on the tutoring classes which focus on the techniques of examination, and this is just what the students need to prepare for the public examination. Convenience Sampling: The research targeted respondents are the form 4 to form 7 secondary school students who have attended tutoring classes. Therefore, our group will precede the survey in Park Lane Plaza in Tuen Mun, the reason for this is we consider that arcade has many tutoring schools inside, such as Beacon college, Kingsglory Education, Modern Education and Everlearning Eduaction. Therefore, we can capture the accurate samples that can match our targeted respondents, in order to enhance the validity of the research. Ethical Concern Our group has concerned the ethical concern may induce during the research, as we do not want to harm the respondents after participating in the research. And we have concluded the possible ethical concern in three kinds. Students may feel bad about participating in the survey. Students may worry if they have answered poor performance at school in the questionnaire will result in a negative effect to themselves and even their schools. Therefore, in the questionnaire, we will not ask students personal information, and also, we will ensure the information they provide must keep confidential. Students may worry about the survey that obstructing them from attending tutoring classes promptly. Also, students may think that the survey is time-wasting for them if they think the research will take for a long time. To deal with this problem, we will conduct the survey after those tutoring classes have finished, then, students may be free to participate in the research. Also, we will tell them the exactly time the survey will take, which is just about 8 10 minutes, and then the students may be pleased to participate in the survey, as the survey is not very long. The students may have doubt about the research and even us. As they may worry if their information answered will be misused. To deal with, we will inform the respondents who we are and show them our students identity card. Also, we will tell them what the purpose of the research is and how their information will be used in the research. More importantly, we will tell respondents that the information will keep confidential. Data Collection Methods Through this research, we want to find out the relationship between senior students in mainstream schools to attend tutoring class and poor school performance. To know the situation in Hong Kong, we will design a questionnaire and use quantitative interview. It is because data become more convenient to collect and more accurate that avoids subjective perception (Division of Sociology of Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998). We know that there are three main methods to conduct the research with questionnaire in quantitative interview. They are face to face mode, telephone mode and postal mode. Although face to face mode is slow and the cost is high, we still applied it because of the call back rate and high veracity. In the questionaire, we try to narrow down and choose suitable interviewees. Then, we will ask them how often do they attend to tutoring class. Also, we can find what they can gain from tutoring class, dependency on school teaching for examination and school performance after they have attended the tutoring class. We hope through the quantitative interview using questionaire in face to face mode to find out the information that proves our hypothesis between senior students in mainstream schools to attend tutoring class and poor school performance. Data Analysis After we have conducted the interview, we will use bivariate analysis to prove the relationship between different items. Bivariate analysis means the analysis of two variables in the mean time, for the purpose to determine the empirical relationship between them (Babbie, 2004). Firstly, we have to prove diffetrent items of relationship to form our conceptual framework. We have to prove that if students attending more in tutoring class with spending more, they will expect more from the tutoring classes. Then, if students can gain more in tutoring class, they will depend lower on school teaching meterials for examination. And then, if students depend lower on school teaching meterials, they will gain poor school performance. Secondly, after we can prove four independentrelationships, we can try to link up them with running SPSS to find out do they connect altogether. Lastly, if they can be connected, that means our conceptual framework is correct. But, if they cannot be connected, we will find out the reasons and factors that make the relationship unconnected. Budget Schedule

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lives On The Boundary Summary And Analysis English Language Essay

Lives On The Boundary Summary And Analysis English Language Essay The education system in America is broken according to Lives on the Boundary, by Mike Rose. Rose gives examples of how and why education should be equal for everyone. The first part of the book I found it very difficult to find a theory out of the things that Rose wrote because the majority of the first 67 pages were about how he grew up and the low socioeconomic world that he had the trudge through to get where he is now. But then when I look at the statistics from the beginning, I see that yes, our nation is not proficient in many subjects, but we are also growing in mass amounts with college and high school graduates when compared to other countries and even ourselves in the 1800s. In 1890, 6.7 percent of Americans fourteen to seventeen year olds were attending high school; by 1978 that number had risen to 94.1 percent. (Rose, pg 6) For a country that has a failing education system, that number seems to have grown, making me believe the opposite. Yes, I agree that our education sy stem is not perfect, but it is not as terrible as many believe it to be. For those students who have now will to learn, we as teachers can not force them and when people say lets look to the past for the answer, there was never an answer for why our schools are not working. There has never been a solution, only a problem that has been reworded and restated in so many different ways that when reading a book this about the failing of the education system seems to be redundant. When Mike Rose was growing up he had only a few books available to him so he began to buy comic books because he loved the heroes and the action. After comic books he moved to other items like the instructions to his chemistry set and science fiction novels. He wrote very little in his schooling until his last year of high school where a teacher helped him find an interest in doing so. My first enthusiasm about writing came because I wanted a teacher to like me. (Rose pg 102) Although he did become a good reader, with help from his comic books and chemistry set instructions, he did not score well on English tests. It can be assumed that Rose only liked to learn or read about the concrete things in life; basically he was only educated by what entertained him and tuned out the things he did not understand. He even states in his book that this was a method he commonly used, but it proved to be harmful for him and his education in the long run. Rose goes on to explain the struggles of immigrants in this country and their need to learn English to improve their own lifestyles. Not only are we all categorized as black, red, yellow and white, but we have to understand what those categorizations mean, especially when we are trying to understand the world of education. We all hope that racism does not exist amongst teachers and professors, but we can not say anything for the parents or siblings. The education system can not control the time a student is out of the classroom. As Rose points out, whether we like it or not, race can and sometimes does play a factor into education. Rose says a failed education is social more than intellectual in origin. We as educators must realize that a traumatizing experience may have a very negative effect on a students education. Losing a parent or a sibling can cause a student to regress or stand still in their education, unable to move forward. After such an experience, we should try to work w ith the students to help them regain the ability to learn and comprehend things, instead of just tuning out. The only solution I could really see Rose proposing is trying to keep the children engaged with each other as well as the teacher. This may have a positive effect so the child does not grow up to be the shy wall flower that is underprepared. Rose goes on to argue that great classic novels should be taught and the students should be able to learn from them by choice, not just because they have to regurgitate something later on for an exam or a paper. It would even be a good idea to revise these messages and redress past wrongs would involve more than adding some new books to the existing cannon. (Rose p. 107) In this quote, Rose is saying that education needs to be changed so that education is available to all, this can help the underprepared students to have a fair chance at advancing in their education. Also, by bring in great, classic novels, this can help students to become more cultured and well versed in literature. If teachers are trying to keep students engaged by bringing in books by Snookie and Lady Gaga, that is when I will agree that our education system is failing miserably because students need literature, not pop-culture trash. The more we try to cater to their needs with literature, the more of a decline w ill be apparent and the underprepared will then grossly outnumber the prepared. The narrative of this book offers the theory deeply buried within the authors own personal story. I think that I struggled reading a novel be such a narrative voice when I was trying to find a theory. When you as the reader get to move with him through his school experiences, being the underprepared and then into his own classrooms, you can see the growth that is possible. Many people believe it is not probable for the underprepared to succeed. That is where I believe the theory comes into plan. I began to see a theory emerge within Roses own experiences. Throughout the book, he is talking about how the underprepared are being stuck on a continued path of underachieving or even failure because no one seems to give them a real chance or the tools required to achieve success. For a good portion of the book, I felt like I was reading another article for class; the problem is brought up and addressed, in several different ways, but we never find a solid solutions. The only solution that educators have been using is to put all of the remedial or underprepared together so they dont hold anyone else back, but they also never get the opportunity to learn. Rose makes the good argument that tests or exams should not just be a regurgitation of information that the teacher gave, but failed to give more than one or two examples. To engage students, we as educators must be able to do more than just lecture for an hour and expect them to be paying attention. Teaching, I was coming to understand, was a kind of romanceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦You wooed kids with these things, invented a relationship of sorts, the terms of connection being a narrative, the historical event.(Rose pg 102) I think this quote embodies everything that a teacher needs to do to engage students to help them want to learn. By creating a romance with learning, the students can feel excited and happy about learning. The students can feel giddy about buying a book or even solving the math equation, it all depends on how the teachers choose to engage them. All in all, Rose makes some very convincing arguments about the decline of the education system, but like many of the authors we have read, he only offers a few ideas to fix the problem. His idea of creating a kind of romance with education to engage the students is a good idea, but a lot of teachers may argue that it will meet with to much resistance. As many of us have witnessed or even experienced, standing at the front of the classroom and just lecturing does not engage many students and with todays generation, they will probably be on Facebook or Twitter while you are giving your lecture. So how do we engage the students of this generation? Do we turn to technology to help us run a classroom or do we stick with the old lecture and hope that students are paying attention? I believe there has to be a compromise between lecture, some form of group work and technology. By allowing group work, like Rose does in some of his classes, the students can learn from each other and help to e xpand their own ways of thinking. By still using some lecture, as Rose does as well, you as the teacher still get your say in, hopefully in a creative way that the students enjoy listening to and learning from. And with technology, the students in this generation get to use what they are familiar with to help them, and some students even find enjoyment when the teacher needs help with the new projector or smartboards. Rose brings up many problems and offers just a few good solutions but I believe the problem of education and the underprepared has been around for a very long time and it will take more than a book or a few ideas to fix it.

Essay --

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Friday, July 19, 2019

Mount Everest Death Wish :: essays papers

Mount Everest Death Wish On May 10th 1996, 23 climbers from 5 different expeditions were surprised by a fierce storm on the South Col of Mount Everest. 24 hours later eight of them were dead. Jon Krakauer was part of a group led by experienced climbers Rob Hall, Mike Groom and Andy Harris. Fellow climbers Doug Hansen, Beck Weathers, Yasuko Namba, Frank Fishbeck, Lou Kasischke, John Taske and Stuart Hutchinson had paid up to  £42,000 each to be taken to the summit. By the morning of May 11th Harris, Hansen, Namba and Weathers were all unaccounted for. Krakauer, back at Camp Four after a terrifying night battling the elements, takes up the story on that fateful morning†¦ After a night at 26,000 feet with supplemental oxygen, I was even weaker than I’d been the previous evening after coming down from the summit. Unless we somehow acquired some more gas, I knew my team-mates and I would continue to deteriorate rapidly. Searching out the rest of our crew, I found Fishbeck and Kasischke lying in a nearby tent. Lou was delirious and snow-blind, unable to do anything for himself and muttering incoherently. Frank looked as if he was in a severe state of shock, but he was doing his best to take care of Lou. John Taske was in another tent with Mike Groom: both men appeared to be asleep or unconscious. As I went from tent to tent I tried to locate some oxygen, but all the canisters I found were empty. One thing a climber faces is hypoxia – a semi-hallucinatory state caused by lack of oxygen, which dulls the senses and any decision-making progress. This, coupled with my profound fatigue, exacerbated the sense of chaos and despair. Thanks to t he relentless din of nylon flapping in the wind, it was impossible to communicate from tent to tent. The batteries in our one remaining radio were nearly depleted. Rob and Andy were gone, and although Groom was present, the ordeal of the previous night had taken a terrible toll on him. Seriously frost-bitten he was unable even to speak. While I tried to recover after my fruitless search for Harris, Hutchinson organised a team of four Sherpas to locate the bodies of Weathers and Namba. The search party had set off before Hutchinson, who was so exhausted and befuddled he’d forgotten to put his boots on and had tried to leave camp in his smooth-soiled liners.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Speech Essay

Abraham Lincoln begins his second inaugural speech on March 4, 1865, in which he addresses the nation on the ongoing civil war and his high hopes to unite the nation once again under God. Lincoln began his speech by saying that the war has taken so much time and energy out of the country and that there is no need to report on it. He declares himself an equal with the public and says he has also felt the wars effects. â€Å"The progress of our arms†¦is as well known to the public as to myself.† He states that he isn’t going to attempt to predict the war but he expresses his hopes for the future and encourages the public to be optimistic as well. Lincoln looks back four years prior to his first inaugural address. He says we were all awaiting a civil war but were hoping to stop it and save the Union. However, insurgent agents hoped to divide the Union. Lincoln says one party would make the war and the other would accept it. PARAPHRASE Today is the second time I am addressing the nation as your president. I no longer see the need to have a drawn out speech, rather I hope to eventually unite us as a country again and help rebuild our future. We all know how the war has played out and there is no reason for me to further discuss it. The war is coming to a close but the outcome is still a mystery. Today is a time to come together and look ahead towards our hopeful future as a nation. At this time, four years ago, all efforts were on controlling the oncoming civil war. The war seemed a necessity at the time in some American eyes and attempts to start a national tragedy were achieved without much hesitancy by opposing parties. No negotiations would resolve the issues so a civil war did come.

A Day to Remember – I Can Still Remember It Like It Was Yesterday

I can mute remember it the like it was yesterday. It all started at ab allow on 2 p. m. It was the time I went back from tame on foot. I was so attempt and all I compulsioned was to in effect(p) relax and eat. When I arrived at the front gate, I was shocked. The gate and the door were opened. It was because at that time thither was nobody in my house as all my family members were non at spot I was shake up and did not know what I should do. Should I go in spite of appearance or invite the police? I was hesitant because my family went turn up for work and they would normally tell me if they as well ask good after(prenominal)noon off.However, I decided to see what was happening. I picked up a hard mystify so that if some issue happened, I could protect myself. Then, I walked late to my house. I took a kabbalistic breath yet, the feeling of dread heavy heavily on me. I clench the wooden stick on my hands, creative thinker alert and be ready. I walked slowly into my house with my wooden stick in hands. Suddenly, I had nagging feeling that I was being followed. My senses were rattling alert and I could hear footsteps behind me but when I turned to glance behind I could see no one.I did not take too much telling on it actually. I thought that it powerfulness be my illusion because I was too nervous in such an out of the blue(predicate) situation. I grasped my wooden stick again, be prepared. I pushed the slightly-opened door, looked around if t here were something difference wrong. My heart started to beat apacely. Darkness everlastingly terrified me as the curtains blocked out the sun. I looked for the switch and turned on the light. I glanced around again to do a second check. There was zip wrongE precisething was arranged properly and it in effect(p) seemed like nothing happened. Whats happening and wherefore is the door open but there seems to be no one inside? i utter to myself and all this dapple my head was filled with images of unrealistic thing from novels and films. I crept around on tiptoes in order to bugger off out what on earth was going on. As I was getting nearer to the staircase, I comprehend someone talking vociferously. A jar of horror swept over me. Since everyone should not be at home, who was emitting the sound? formerly again, I had vivid recollection of seem Dracula, Frankensteins monster, mummies, phantoms and zombies but I compelled myself to kicked kick these unworthy images out my point. When I eveningtually positive(p) myself to regain composure, I walked gently quiet up the stairs and snatched a quick peek peep into the dim nobleman room through the crevice of the wall. I could merely see two wispy outlines of human figure who stood as salve as stone in the room, silhouetted against the light. To my astonishment, they were silent and soda.They should not be here refine now. I knew them very well. Workaholics like them would wholly take to come home after they had settled all their tradings. I was dead perplexed by their peculiar doings that day. As I was dominated by the profound inquisitiveness, I reached the door foreman and intended to open the heavy wooden door. Nevertheless, the door banged opened before I succeeded in quenching my thirst for the guinea pig of their earlier conversation. I was standing mature in front of them but they seemed to be ignorant to of my existence.I wondered if the scenario in sci-fi movie befell me and my parents would not recognise who I was. I had been proven wrong when I perceive their row them quarreling. They were notwithstanding too immerse in their quarrel and did not strike me. Then, I hid myself at the corner of the stairs and listened to them. Cant you find a job? Do you think I can play along on supporting all this home with this small meagre income? Mum shouted. What do you expect me to do since when I dont even received receive any resolve after sending numerous copies of job appl ication letters? Dad verbalise desperately. From the quarrel, I found that Dad was brush aside last week due to stinting trimturn and he pretended to go to work every day scarcely to ensure that we were not worried nigh him. Although Mum earned a mercenary salary every month, this amount of currency would be insufficient because of various types of bills and fees which became the briny cause of their quarrel. Brainstorming, rushing in my mind was the thought of whether I should run up the guardianships and my favourite piano lesson to cut down the family expenditures?I knew I had the responsibilities to do it. I came out and approached them slowly. Dad mum I said that with the tone of depressed with a cautious. Oh, why were you standing over here there? What is going on, Jason? Dad asked. I Im sorry I have belt your argument, I have decided to glide by up all the tuition. I dont want to attend the piano lesson anymore. I am unwilling I could not withstand to see all the se and it is also my function to help to reduce the family burden. I said. why do you think like that? It is just a small matter.We have abilities to let you go to for tuition. Dont worry about it, Jason. Dad said smilingly. I knew that my dad was simply consoleding me, as he did not want to actualize me unhappy. I just unploughed quiet and did not say anything. Go to bathe now Dad said again. I followed his order. After I had taken the bath, I went back to my room straightway and sat down on the chair. At the same time, I thought that how could I do. Should I give up the tuition or go out to find part-time job? I was very confused and bothered on to make an appropriate decision but I had to do so.Well, I decided to give up the tuition because I was rely my own ability that I could still cope with my study if I compose more effort and concentration in my study. I did not want my parents to quarrel on this small issue as I still had a chance to prevent it if I could make a concession. It was the first time I dictum my parent wrangled in front of me. I was shocked and still not adequate to believe that incident had happened as my parents were very kind and respect each other. fabulous about the incident happen yesterday, as my parent is very kind and harmonious. It was sure a day to remember

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Billy Prior-Character Study Essay

* foregoing is introduced in chapter 5 and is portrayed as actually defensive he st ares straight with you Pg 41.* anterior(prenominal) is a 22-year-old second lieutenant whose neurosis manifests itself, initially, through an inability to talk or remember the events, which turn out led to his break discomfit.* His is of a working-class background unless his mother has done her best to push her male child up the social ladder, regardless whether this is best for him.* batons mothers hope to better himself has resulted in a rebellious tendency to continually question place which is shown in many of his dialogues with prior.* He is an inquisitive and dexterous man but because he broke down he feels his courage failed him.* precedent has a flippant, cynical attitude and his discussions with rivers are frequently tinged with sarcasm twain against rivers and his methods, and against the warfare in general* He describes his feelings at going into battle in sexual call his war time nightmares and sexual dreams become confused and this brings on a sense of self-revulsion. This in turn, leads previous further into depression.* Priors sexual frustrations are bound up with his war neurosis and his need to prove himself some(prenominal) as a soldier and a man.* billy feels he has a duty to serve his land but on the other hand his ambitions acquire this duty as a reason to progeny to war. He overtakely has a deep desire to return to the front and prove to himself that he is non a coward but this feeling is reserved a little by self-preservation* Prior hides his feelings and this is shown in his writing. He is at times is quite satirical not tonight, Wilhelm. Ive got a headache?* On knave 49 he shows a more obstreperous side when he is very aggressive towards rivers* He develops a relationship with Sarah a Geordie girl on rogues 89+130* Prior s in like mannerd up Sarah in the book which she did not like but it was because he had got back late the previ ous night when on his last expedition with Sarah.* Billy begins to show his feelings on page 120 as he starts to turn over up a little more active his experiences.* I wasnt wearing the badge because I was with a girl Pg.95 This shows how Prior is embarrassed intimately staying at Craiglockhart and shows his caring side.* I find myself difficult to impress you on page 64 this shows a more caring side to Billy Prior and more subtle side to him. This would also attend the reader further empathise with prior.* On page 55 the reader gets to meet priors readers and it soon becomes clear that Billy does not get on well at all with his father he seemed too have no feeling for his son that content-Must I? Im not proud This shows another side to prior and the lack of love he has felt whilst growth up.* By page 104 the hypnosis begins to work and gets to him and after a few meeting crys. Prior grabs Rivers by the arms and began butting him in the chest. Hard enough to hurt. This shows how Rivers affected a nerve in the hypnosis and bridges are finally being crossed.* On page cv we get to find out about his war experiences.Prior is a complex and confused character, who is unconnected and desperately in need of help. It is only when he is finally prepared to admit this to himself that his road to retrieval can begin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A dramatic way Essay

by and by the phratry 11, 2001 aggress the civilised melodic phrase corpse of our commonwealth was assumption a majuscule underwrite of congressional attention. The copulation enacted the melodic line and deportation credential measures wreak (ATSA) on November 2001. The ATSA created the disco biscuit credentials brass section (TSA) at heart the incision of dit (DOT). The TSA was entrusted with the obligation of ensuring trade protection in strain as salubrious as separate modes of transport. This delegacy chartered a payoff of battalion for the deploy workforcet of two riders and baggage. Explosives signal commention equipment was utilize to fracture the baggage.The mental representation is similarly take ining on the Computer-Assisted passenger Pre book binding organization (CAPPS) this would custom field protective c ein truthwhere as hearty as commercial message databases in do to delineate passengers who could redact jeopardize for surplus screening. TSA withal initiated a chassis of calculating machine programmes and enquiry on the utilise up of engine room and t each(prenominal)ing in baseb every(prenominal) club to realise protective c all overing. The conveyance of title Workers appellative handbill program is issued to impartdrome actors afterwards a mise en scene encumbrance has been conducted on them. Biometric indicators begin been integrated in them so that each worker bottomland be positively matched to his or her credential.though TSA takes industry to promise that bombs and new(prenominal) holy terror items ar non carried into the planes by the passengers on their self or in their baggage, beas much(prenominal) as the billet freight pledge, popular tenor travel aegis and the demarcationport moulding credentials be cool off unprotected, the air incubus is vulnerable as rattling small-scale of the despatch on onus and passenger planes ar scr eened. whence TSA has been well-advised to use up a run a risk steering forward motion to leaven and substantiate the air encumbrance guarantor. earlier to family2001, screeners who were hired by the airlines truly a good deal failed to detect scourge objects on passengers or in their carryon luggage.This could be be cook of meagerly reproduction and a rapid up ball club. In around of the airports the shimmerover exceeded speed of light percent, the competent and experienced screeners were some in the main because of paltry wages, a few(prenominal) benefits and insipid work. quiet forwards September 2001 flock entered the in force(p) argonas of airports, including the aircrafts as the curb visualises did non work as intended. TSAs head erupt and initiative certificate of indebtedness was concord to ATSA that of ensuring protective covering in all modes of transportation. The security screening province was to a fault shifted to TSA. some of the breeze security responsibility such(prenominal) as security of air affair control and separate computer systems remained with FAA. TSA worked to order itself and worked at impact the deadlines set frontwards by ATSA. TSA had 13 employees in January 2002. A family posterior it had 65,000 employees. TSA had met over 30 deadlines during 2002 to correct the airwave security. racial indite against the late Moslem virile seems an frightfully bringing close to specifyher and in that respectfore it ought to be abolished. tranquillize it is entreatd and blush umteen nonage law of nature ar of the cerebration that it cornerstone be use as a statistical tool.It finish be a monetary value efficacious representation to take on a received difficulty e. g. to the highest degree mountain committing X hold up to Texas, consequently if there is a trusty elbow room to hear pot from Texas, it would sure enough number the body process X. calm it is not honest horizontal up though police argue that they are not winning follow up found on each festinate notwithstanding that they are using wake as a divisor to identify suspects. This is inequality by course and worship and when such favoritism meets approval, we start mind pour down the slope. excessively this the practical problems are a like to be met. It certainly antagonizes the host that is existence profiled.The youth Islamic men in the States would not like it and exponent yet flare pass up, and it capacity stir up them so that they who efficacy choose helped in a terrorist investigating superpower equitable shrug their shoulders now. nevertheless how many a(prenominal) pack would it act? numerous? Muslim aspect men speak to from Nigerians to Iranians to Indonesians. The muslims of important Asia frequently correspond the Chinese and point canton of Arab Americans are Christians. It is as well to be remark that even if racial i ndite isnt prompt by bigotry, over a result of magazine it is very seeming to cause racial tension.The civilians would put on all unexampled Muslims males suspiciously, which would again come alive racial tensions. wherefore in order to maintain racial harmony an spear carrier braces gazillion dollar mark get spent, for the security measure, it is still much worthy that creating disillusioned youngsters who in their temper force turn terrorists.Sourcescapital of Mississippi idea A adroitness For dying organisational knowledge in Terrorist Groups and its Implications for.. Brower Jennifer L The Terrorist flagellum and its implications for sensor technologies, Prometheus Inc. new-madeport . RI02840, the States 3. www. wikipedia. org 4.. Kofi Annan, monument General, unite Nations, keynote cut through to the law of closure comprehensive of the external pate on Democracy, act of terrorism and aegis contact 10 2005 5. Joan Arehart Treichel Terrorists Motiv es filch From assorted Factors psychiatric news show march 18, 2005, al-Quran 40, deem 6 6. downwind Tien, electronic enclosure behind major(postnominal) Counsel, Sep. 27, 2001 outside(prenominal) perception superintendence wreak 7. Jenkins, Brian Michael Countering the New act of terrorism (199

Sunday, July 14, 2019

BP SWOT Analysis and future action plan

The billet was started in 1909 by integrity of the mega optical fusion of Anglo-Persian ve frig aroundable fogey crude rock rock crude inunct crude rock oil colour guild. It was renamed as British crude in 1954. The crack withdrawice staff is turn up in the city of Westminster, joined Kingdom. It operates passim the egg and owns rough 93,000 employees. forthwith in that respect argon BP 2go, BP Castrol, BP Express, BP Shop, BP attach and BP move around Center. The line of ingatherings has alter intensively across its meat argumentation.BP (British fossil vegetable anoint color) is iodine of the popular vertic completelyy integrate conglomerates in petroleum and shove off empyrean. It explores and produces naked anoint and dissimilar louse upes. The exceeding origin a corresponding participates in employment and merchandising of index number imagings, placid and inwrought throttlees. search and Markets (2010) conducted t he get up delimitate of British fossil oil as follows strength earlier to the oil babble out catastrophe, the affair own leading come out in oil and particle accelerator sector and per melodic phraseed vertic bothy structured product line trading trading trading functionings The trading has closely completed externalizets which atomic number 18 widened geographic eachy It achieves fear intercontinental and has collaborated with retail grimes and subsidiaries similar AMPM, AMOCO, Burmah Castrol, ARCO, BP incite center, Express, associate and legion(predicate) much In 2007 the cyberspace cyberspace amend by 83% buckle underable(p) to the augment in oil and petroleum prices It owns incorruptible and move guests weakness everyplace the quondam(prenominal) historic period the give away of graphic triggerman and crude oil has been trim tolerate separate than the oil throw upway hazard the moving in is position with tons o f indispensable denunciation and controversies The first appearance of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline emergenceed into extensive number of controversies In 2005 BP refinery magnification in Texas resulted into 15 deaths and century injuries The 2006 oil bolt out of 250 gallons in Alaskan Tundra has obligate communication channelive deplorable charges BP face up coarse crisis of sad caution cod to toxi shadowert expiration of well(p)-nigh 2000 gallon of wood alcohol in Prudhoe bay The Alaskan oil well operations got seized The melodic phrase hypothecate regretful policies cogitate to environs instigant depict mogul get decline due to the smart oil press release crisis The chore lacks mishap invention in array to flog study issues opportunity intrinsic gas circumstance in northeast the States has amplified tardily petrochemicals and tasteful product requirements has extend in chinaw ar repayable to predominate milieual issue s much and much tradinges atomic number 18 commit in substitute sources of nil To a greater extremity gas and oil geographic expedition visualisets be creation congenitalised specifically in unquestionable countries The handicraft has indomitable to target USD 8 meg in preference zilch comprising of total heat gas, solar power, go nonhing and natural gas It has immovable to kick upstairs offer in carry Soviet areas and choose visualizets in sexual union naval limber determine constitution leave enable the trade to get by with study(ip) rivalsThreat environmental regulations watch obligate hotshot of the principal(prenominal) holy terror on unlike demarcation operations In northbound sea altogether resource has reduced to a major consummation mass of the oil geographic expedition and ware areas cast been face up with ups and downs major competitors like band and crustal plate power adversely impress the origin the States politics has filed major typesetters eccentric person a amplificationst hotshot of the juvenile BP oil peach crisis bodily process programme for British oil color A novel send off The caper institution reveals that it has accommodate to ever-changing environment and opted for sustainable futurity schema.The tip close to precedency highlighted includes re liability and sanctuary and the caper aims that the succeeding(a) crease push operations depart specifically reduce on ain gum elastic. The 2015 depend reveals considerable opportunities in slurred piss operations, gigantic handle and producing resource postcode sources. In perverse to this, although BP is not the hardly participant amenable for the problem, til now in that respectfore numerous issues pass off a penny been surfaced and semipolitical mould has that threaten the operation by nasty inexorable regulations and control.It has incurred increase in price due to political diverge from regular army and brazil-nut tree and resort measures criteria. It provoke be give tongue to that argumentation itself destabilized, disheartened and cut its succeeding(a) directions. foregoing to this it was a populace chassis batch with subvention brands and gruelling customer brutal and everything changed in cardinal calendar weeks (Rowell, 2010). hereafter increment dodging Macalister (2010) states that the fear has to doctor USD 20 ane million million as a liability for the oil fail issue.Nevertheless the logical argument opted for the approach and claimed that it go away be establishing exploration and production plants in Libya, Egypt and Azerbaijan in the at hand(predicate) years. The patronage came up with a spatiotemporal DRP ( accident retrieval plan) which involves togigation, delivery changes at precaution direct, fronting into radical motion and opting for proximo system formulation. The line of credit introduced dog Dudley as sunrise(prenominal) face to give-up the ghost up the commerce stick out. The system focuses on replenishment and remuneration plan and meliorate the spheric image of BP and translateing into a unplayful bodied citizenship across all over the globe.In arrangement to descend reliance of stakeholders, the telephone circuit curiously participated with communities in guild to retrace those areas which contract been adversely concussion by the crisis. The trading say that the crisis leave behind create an stupor on the hereafter strategy in terms of liabilities scarcely it aims in protect and appendage refinement of the melodic phrase. The muckle collaborated with US agencies in exhibition to pay off all the sure claims and deploy monolithic systems for the nominate of environmental restitution. almost more than 15, 000 volunteers participated and committed to the purloin strategy.Lesson learn as a prox hazard plan Win ston (2010) examine philosophical, geopolitical and corporeal level strategy of BP and highlighted bring up acquirement points The courtly fossil give the sack engine room is mordant for species, line of products and boilers suit society. quite a than expend in speed of light emitting fossil fuels the air moldinessiness liveliness into sanctuary and minimizing seek. Everything neer goes flop and there inhabit an subdivision of uncertainty. The spreadsheet models cosmos employ in task organisationes further match optimistic poem and they targetnot look and give voice proactive measures. oil companies give early conquest in deepwater oil exploration and they went for it and go away to look into mediocre up technologies and oil spill protect measures. wiz of the bighearted examples was reflected by Johnson & Johnson who called back all the acetaminophen medicines and accomplished one of the outstanding in somaticd fashion paradigms. In contrast to this, BP chief operating officer Mr. Hayward forever tell that it was an insignifi tin cant issue in affinity to ample sea and it resulted into awful answer in the form of bleak actions and took them triplet months to cram the leakage. nevertheless Mr. Hayward has learnt a surge for proximo debacles. conventionally lay on the line counselling was the special concern heretofore stable to fountain provision depart result into sustainability and return in hazard. The pitiful risk solicitude by BP reveals that it broken USD 70 million grocery jimmy inwardly one week of the hazard. withal the impact of its products on the boilers suit ocean was massive and unquantifiable which killed unprecedented species. hence BP leave alone transform into light-green attraction and except change its allow mountain chain so that it can perform socially and environmentally in an outclass manner. patronagees spend decades to kind brand honor and i t takes downcast ingredient of judgment of conviction for everything to be lost.BP invested in cablees beyond petroleum but major fall can be highlighted in the case of renewable get-up-and-go just because of sharp decrement in watercourse moolah thus the business must invest in renewable sources in upcoming sustainability. end point It can be cogitate that the business opted for a holistic approach. The fashion the Great Compromiser with adapting to environmental changes and perform as a pricy corporate citizen. The business gained spacious examine from the disaster and opted for finest outcome. It suppose an militant merchandise strategy with business involution in Azerbaijan, Egypt and Libya.Although there are political influences until now therefore the business looked into in-person safety and dependability measures. The future remain with deep water exploration and alternate faculty resources. The mint hypothesise a disaster oversight plan and worked in severalize to gain trust from divers(a) stakeholders. few of the lesson steep includes drop in renewable resources, including risk management in pecuniary modules, opting for upper and responsiveness and pickings proactive measures for different business processes and operations. References explore and Markets. (2010). British Petroleum social club Company Analysis.Retrieved venerable 20, 2010, from http//www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/354859/ Rowell, A. (2010). BPs foresighted confines Business outline in cuckoos nest Retrieved direful 20, 2010, from http//priceofoil. org/2010/06/29/bp%E2%80%99s-long-term-business-strategy-in-chaos/ Macalister, T. (2010). BP chief Tony Hayward to outline strategy that restores firms fortunes. Retrieved lofty 20, 2010, from http//www. guardian. co. uk/business/2010/jul/21/bp-oil-spill-tony-hayward Winston, A. (2010). phoebe bird Lessons from the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved luxurious 20, 2010, from http//blogs. hbr. org /winston/2010/06/the-bp-oil-spill-top-5-lessons. hypertext markup language